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Mary Albertson Vista

카테고리 없음

by prurlarcaho1974 2020. 3. 18. 20:41


Mary Albertson VistaMary Albertson VistaMary

Mary Albertson Obituary

American botanist (1838 – 1914)Mary A. Albertson (21 June 1838 – 19 August 1914), born Mary Ann Mitchell, was an.

Albertsons Vista Overland

From 1904 to 1914, she curated the memorial located on, Massachusetts. Her work there covered both the nascent botany department and the astronomical observatory. In the botany department, she curated an of Nantucket plants, in memory of her cousin Mitchell's love of flowers. She died in 1914 on Nantucket Island.Mrs. Albertson's daughter Alice Owen Albertson was the author of the book 'Nantucket Wildflowers' (G. Putnam's sons,1921).References.